Things are not going well here at chez Knitting Queen. My business is booming, which I know is a good thing, but this is really getting out of control.
My living room is strewn with yarn and hats. I'm not kidding. I have piles of hats everywhere. I have piles of yarn. Just out there in the open. I'm not even being neat about it any more. The Knitting Queen has taken over every spare surface in the living room and, the sad thing is, I don't think anyone has noticed. What they have noticed is the lack of clean underwear available to them. When your husband comed downstairs draped in a towel, looking for underwear, you know it's time to re-evaluate things.
Here I have my half-finished Tilli Tomas scarf, lying helpless under Leah's just barely begun convertible mittens. Surrounded by hats. This is all making me twitch just writing about it.
Venue: I am so behind. So behind. I haven't given them my bio, I haven't given any serious thought to my display, and I only have about half the hats I need for the beginning of March. I'm avoiding talking to them about my inventory because I'm scared of the answer. I think I should email them today. I don't want to. But I think I should. But I really don't want to know....
Zizia: I hadn't heard from Anna since Christmas and just sort of assumed, well, I don't know what I assumed. And then the other day she called. She wants 3 more cupcakes and 3 more vikings. Pronto. And since I don't know how to say NO to anyone, well, you know the answer.
Willow and Bloom: my new shop in Fremont. They have only been open for about 4 days and she has already contacted me for more hats. She wants as many as I can give her as quickly as I can get them to her. So I have a pile of them to bring tomorrow. Two of which I still need to finish today.
And since my stuff for Venue is still not due for a couple of weeks, I keep putting it off for more pressing issues and now I am so far behind!
Bookgroup: Mike and I are hosting our bookgroup on Friday. I love our bookgroup. Love them! And I am so completely unprepared in every way. My house is a disaster. Scary dirty. I have no plan for dessert to serve. I am nowhere close to finishing the book. We are reading Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children. I am only 92 pages into it and it is quite the slow, meandering, cryptic read. I feel very strongly about finishing our books for bookgroup, out of respect for the person who chose the book, and so I can contribute to the discussion. And yes, one of my hidden talents is the ability to knit and read at the same time, but this damn book won't stay open unless I lay something heavy on it, and my eyes won't stay open when I try to read more than one paragraph of this odd book, so I need a new plan. AND, it's my turn to present books this month. So far I only have 2 ideas and need to actually get the books to show everyone. I think they may get Amazon print-outs to review.
Cultured Purls: Work is going well. I really do love working there. However, there is the issue of this sweater design class. We had our 2nd class last Saturday and Shiori started launching into the mathematical equations used to determine my number of rows and stitches and all that. I was immediately back in my 9th grade math class and nearly burst into tears. When she began to use a fake example I immediately interjected with "hey--let's use a real life example. Like MINE for instance." I have to have a sleeve knit by our next class on March 9th. Which, incidentally is the day of the Art Walk. More tears.
And next week is mid-winter break. 5 glorious day with the boys.
This is all I have for you today. One great big long post of whining and complaints. Sorry. Just be glad you don't have to live with me.
My husband walking downstairs looking for clean underwear, I call Monday. Come to think of it, it's also Tues - Friday!
I am avoiding the inevitable and reading everyone's blogs!
Dishes and Valentimes are calling!
Oh, you poor thing! So much to do and deadlines for everything looming at the same time.Can you possibly put some of the projects into priority order. Then to grab more time, teach hubby how to use the laundry machine! :-)
Good luck!
Oh you poor thing! Any way you can put some of your projects into order of priority? I know it's hard to work on those things that you're just not in the mood to do, but...
If not, then grab more time by teaching hubby to use the landry machine! :-)
Good luck!
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